Beverly Grimes ’60
E. Burton Mercier Alumni Service Award Winner
- Retired Nurse; Peoria
Beverly Grimes has been a champion in the nursing industry since the moment she graduated from the Mennonite School of Nursing in 1960. She started her career at the Peoria State Hospital, an institution-specific to providing care for mental illness. Grimes was the first nurse at the hospital to treat patients in the locked unit with cold pack hydrotherapy.
The Delevan native then became a pioneer for diabetic care and fought for the long-term management of patients. She initiated diabetic programs for inpatients and outpatients while working at OSF St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria.
The American Diabetes Association honored the program as a “Recognized Diabetes Self-Management Program.” It was one of the first in Illinois to earn the distinction. Governor James Thompson appointed Grimes to serve on the Illinois Diabetes Advisory Board, and in 1990 she was the first nurse in management to receive the Outstanding Nurse Award at OSF.
Grimes transitioned to Caterpillar Inc. as a clinical nurse specialist from 1993 through 2002. She continued her career at Medtronic Diabetes from 2002 until 2012.
She received the 1985 Diabetic Educator of the Year Award, Mennonite College of Nursing’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 1992, and was Medtronic Leadership’s 2010 Outstanding Nurse Educator. She also serves on the MCN strategic planning committee, sat on the MCN 100 anniversary gala committee, and is a campaign volunteer for Redbirds Rising.